

I bought a pair of BrakePad which is released by ACRE.
It is for Circuit use(0~800℃).
I think this is nice one for not only circuit use but also street use.


Repairing My Car

I repaired my car yesterday.
Air conditioner and Power Steering System was removed,and I replaced Waterpump O ring.
That took 12HOURS!!
I'm so tired.
but It seems that my car was back on her feet.
I 'm looking forward to drive on weekend:P


I'll get about 180,000 yen :)

My side job is going to end at April 3.
Now I'm working at the factory that manufactures slot machies.
It's very hard :(
I'm so tired...
Just a few days more X(


I have a interview on thursday

I found a nice side job and called to the company.
And I was promissed to do interview on thursday.


StarCarft II Q&A Batch 49 スタークラフト2 Q&A 49抄


We recently answered a number of questions from the community regarding StarCraft II.
Check out part49 of the Q&A, along with the StarCarft II Q&A archive in the Battle.net forums.

そのQ&Aの一部である49抄を、バトルネットフォーラムのスタークラフト2 Q&Aアーカイブ と合わせてチェックしてみてください。

1) I am very curious...
1) 私は知りたくてたまりません...

previously,SCVs, Drones, Probes, Vultures, Archons,
and Dark Archons


hovered above the ground so they were not hit by


My question is simple: Are there any hovering units
in Starcraft 2?


If there are, can they hover over shallow water?

-Ancientdefender (Battle.net)

If Spider Mines stay in the game, then there will be hovering units.

Shallow waters are currently just a visual effect and will not ‘play’ differently.

2) How does the Mutalisk attack work in StarCraft
II, what defines its bouncing pattern?

2) スタークラフト2においてミュータリスクの攻撃はどのように働くのでしょうか、どのような要素が跳ね返りのパターンを決定するのですか?

Is it random or not? If not, what is the criteria
that defines how it bounces?


-Kain175 (Battle.net)

Regardless of the position of the Mutalisk, when its attack hits a target,

it will then acquire the next target based on proximity to the first target.

The attack will always bounce to the next closest target.

3) Is it possible to toggle off Multiple Building Selection (MBS)?
3) 多数建造物選択の機能をオフにすることはできますか?


4) Balancing of 2v2 team play: Roaches + Medivac
are too over powered for 2v2 team play unit combinations?
2対2のチーム戦のバランスについて:多数のローチ + メディバックドロップシップの組み合わせは


The regeneration rate of the Roaches and the healing of the Medivac will not stack upon each other.

5) What is a good counter for Zerg against Marines,
which are upgraded from the original StarCraft?


Zerg actually have a few options that are quite effective.

Zerglings can catch Marines out in the open and surround them relatively easily.

Secondly, Banelings with the burrow ability are also very effective.

There is nothing more gratifying than watching a group of Marines walk over a burrowed Baneling.

When it unburrows – BOOM!
潜伏を解除した途端 - ドカーン!

Another counter that can be used are Roaches with burrow.

A player can burrow a Roach at low health for it to regenerate back to full health in seconds,

at which point it can unburrow and begin attacking the Marines again. In late game,

Infestor’s with their fungal scourge ability, which causes a biological unit to take damage over
time until the unit explodes and does an area of effect damage,

decimating groups of Marine easily if the opponent is not fast to react.

Additionally, Ultralisks with their new cleave attack as well as 200 more hit points from the original StarCraft also make them an excellent counter to massed MArines.

6) How do you keep the Baneling from exploding on targets that you don't want them to hit?
6) ベインリングに狙った相手以外に爆発攻撃をさせないようにするにはどうすればいいですか?

The Baneling now has an 'attack building' ability now which allows players to have more control over what the Baneling attacks. 

Players no longer need to worry about Banelings accidentally exploding on a building when they actually wanted it to hit a unit.


batch 一束,一団,1回分,ひとまとまりの数量,束,群れ
regarding ~に関して,~について,~の点で
along with~ ~と一緒に,~とともに
curious 好奇心をそそる,好奇心の強い,知りたがり屋で,物見高い
previously 前に,前もって,すでに,以前に,以前は
shallow water 浅水域、浅瀬
bounce 跳ね返り,はずみ
criterion 基準,標準,尺度
regardless of ~ ~にかかわらず
its それの,あれの
acquire ~を捕らえる,捕捉する
based on ~に基づいて
proximity 近いこと,接近,近似,近接
combination 組み合わせ
stack 山,積み重ね,堆積
regeneration 再生,復活
option 選択,選択肢,選択可能物
relatively 比較的に,相対的に
in the open 戸外で
catch ~ out ~を窮地に陥れる
bane 致命傷
burrow 潜伏
gratifying 満足させる,満足を与える,満足のいく,愉快な
late 下旬の,末期の,終わり頃の
fungal 菌の,急に発生する
scourge 災難のもと,懲罰を下す人,むち
cause ~に...をもたらす
decimate ~の多くを破壊する,~の多数の人を殺す
react 反応する,対処する
additionally さらに,その上,加えて
cleave 突き進む,貫く
(A) as well as (B) AもBも,AおよびB,AのほかにBもまた,~と同様に
accidentally つい,うっかり,誤って,偶然に
building 構築
actually 実質的に,実際に

Return to my country

I went back to hometown yesterday.
That because of spring break.
Hometown is in the Prefecture of Hyogo. That has a city of Kobe.
This city is a origin of the name of NBA Star "Kobe Bean Bryant" .
First,I shoud do is to find a job to make a sizable sum of money.
Because my car is so old.(which was made in 1992)
The Waterpump has a problem of seeping coolant and the Clutch wore thin.
So,I want to buy a new car :)
and I have depts.This is more important...


break 休み
Prefecture 県
make a sizable sum of money まとまったお金を作る
seep しみ出る,浸透する
origin 由来,起源
wear thin すり減る
have depts 借金がある


Algebra for Informatics

I went in for a test about Algebra for informatics today.
It was very difficult for me...
I guess my score is about 40pt ~ 50pt.
I stand in a hostile situation because a magic score is 60 pt.
But fortunately this class is not a compulsory class , let's put that behind :)   <---- chronic underachiever lol

go in for  (試験など)を受ける
Algebra for Informatincs 情報代数学
hostile 厳しい、不利な
magic score 確実な合格点
compulsory 必修の
put ~ behind (嫌なことなどを)忘れる
chronic underachiever 万年劣等生


a class about programming practice finished !!

today the practice which have been afflicting me for a long time was ended.

the last exercise was picture processing.
i got done with that easyly.

i'm feeling fullfilled now, 

but I should last personal practice.
third year has no practice, so personal practice is important.
and fourth year has research for graduation.

it seems that i have a long way to go...



" The Chess Machine " Robert Lohr
